Thomas' son Edward Charlton married Mary Hetherington on 24/04/1831 in Upper Denton, Cumberland.

It is not currently known where their first son, John, was born. Son Thomas Charlton was born in 1833 in Upper Denton, Cumberland. Son Edward was born 5/08/1842 in Carlisle. Son Anthony was born in Dalston in 1846, son William in Carlisle in 1849 and daughter Margaret Jane in 1850 in Farlam. Altogether, a family with a roving existence. in the 1851 census return, father Edward is classed as a Rail Labourer.

Edward and Mary are interred in Eals churchyard, Northumberland. Edward died on 04/03/1875 and Mary on exactly the same date three years later. Edward & Mary had moved to Eals from Croglin, Cumberland with their daughter Margaret Jane and her husband Joseph Stephenson.

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